Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Naptime, Pt II

Just when you think the Japanese have scooped us again, baseball being an exception (the World Baseball Classic being an aberration), it seems the good ol' USA has also caught on to the nap thing...sort of. The standard cliche has something to do with the fact that if something has made it to the Midwest, it's been on both coasts for a couple of years.
Anyway, an alert, nameless friend told me that the Mall of America in Minneapolis had a nap parlor similar to those reported in Japan. Style points for the name : "MiniNapolis" but points lost because there was not enough business to stay open. Its stay in the megamall was somewhat brief. Imagine the following conversation between shoppers:
"Now, honey, I'm going to Ann Taylor Loft and Banana Republic. The Sharper Image doesn't want you in their store playing the pinball machine anymore. Why don't you go take a brief nap, and I'll be back in an hour, and we'll head over to IKEA."
"What? And PAY for a snooze? Hell, I'll just sit right here on this bench and nod off if I get tired. I don't work all year so's we can come all the way to the mall and pay to sleep! That's why we go to the 9 a.m. service on Sunday. I'm going to head over to The Hunting Shack and check out the new blaze orange styles for fall. Let's meet at Victoria's Secret in an hour."
It's this kind of conservative attitude that doomed the sleep emporium at the Mall of America; to its credit though, the store simply relocated downtown to take advantage of the glut of business types working there. No word how well it's doing.
Perhaps the Midwest just isn't as hip as Japan, though we DO have the St. Paul Saints and the nun who gives massages at the games.


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