Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Flattered By Comparison

I'll take it...anytime, anywhere. I had to laugh, though, because it was said in all seriousness.
As part of a competitive physical education class featuring many of our school's most gifted athletes, I sponsored a team track and field week. The class was divided into groups and all competed in a variety of relatively safe events. The latest was the discus throw. Mind you, not every one was a track athlete, and there were only a couple of discus throwers in the crowd; naturally, there was some instruction and tips provided by myself as well as the athletes familiar with the event. Ashley wasn't so sure about it. She is a good athlete who hates to look uncoordinated at anything. Today, she was spending time getting some tips from her significant other who is one of our school's discus throwers. He was getting frustrated, and she was getting a bit peeved so I walked over and spent five or six minutes working with her on the really basic steps. An adept learner, she soon had the idea firmly entrenched in her mind and began to make progress. Seeing this progress, I began to walk away to rejoin other students. I overheard her say to Logan: "He's a better teacher than you are!" Now, who could retire after hearing that?


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