Makin' Bacon

I've never been much of a scientist...oh, I watched "Mr. Wizard" on TV on occasion and thought it was cool when things blew up or started on fire, but tinkering with natural law seemed, well, dangerous to me. Thus it is with some trepidation that I report fluorescent green pigs.
Scientists in Taipei got tired of that Korean guy hogging all the science headlines and decided to create their own stir in the scientific community. They have created a fluorescent green pig by influsing green protein (albeit fluorescent green protein) into little hamlets while said porkers-to-be were still in the developmental stage before birth. ("Alas, poor Pork! I knew him well, Horatio." Was that really Shakespeare or Sir Francis Bacon, as some scholars suggest?) These dabblers in the genetic arts crow about the fact that while others have made pigs which were green on the outside, THEIRS is green "all the way through, including internal organs!" Sow what, you ask? These transgenic pigs are supposed to aid in stem cell research by allowing scientists to trace changes in tissues during physical development. Uh...ok, if you say so.
I say if anybody tries to give me eggs and green ham, I will not eat them off the plate. I will not eat them early or late. I will not eat them with bread and jam; I WILL NOT EAT EGGS AND GREEN HAM! (not even with brown sugar, pepper and hot sauce.) Word is that Pooh is not at all happy, either!
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