Zombie Jamboree (YouTube credit to The Kingston Trio)

Lord Invader and the 12 Penetrators would be so proud!
I'm not generally one to trumpet things like "old-fashioned values-based education" or anything else that begins with, "Back in MY day..." for one simple reason: usually things that occurred far earlier are no longer relevant to the society we've become. That's not to say that I fully agree with the society we've become...I mean when a pastor in Florida decides that he hand his congregation will burn copies of the Koran on September 11th to "stand up and show the world that we're not bowing down to anyone," things are pretty whacked already. So, modern society isn't perfect. When almost every "civilized" country in the world can find a way for its population to get health care but us, it's another sign that maybe the good old days were better...oh yeah, people only lived to be 50 in those days. Anyway, that's not what this is about. It's about education and what passes for it these days in some corners.
Giving in to requests for "interesting, off the wall courses" for a minor in pop culture, Baltimore University has created a class designed to "get you ready for a zombie apocalypse." English 333 (or Zombie 101, according to the Baltimore Sun) is honestly being offered at that university.
Jonathan Shorr, head of the School of Communications Design notes that in this course, students learn "how literature and mass media work, and how they come to reflect our times." Hmmmm.
It's a good thing the course is about zombies and not vampires: then it would not be able to "reflect our times."
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