What, Me Worry?

If you were a young male in the 60s and could tear yourself away from National Geographic, chance are you read Mad magazine with Alfred E. Neuman as its poster guy. Begun in 1952, the magazine featured the cartoonish Neuman more than 30 times on the cover, and he, quite frankly, became something of a national icon. His carefree, unworried attitude was a welcome mantra to all of us. But, the fact is, we worried then, and we worry today.
My latest worry involves my return to the teaching profession. I've only been away from an actual classroom for three years, but this year, I will be returning to face 25 college freshmen in a composition class. I felt rather confident until the other night.
I know dreams are not real, but, still...normally, I have bizarre dreams about being naked in public, but not this time.
I dreamed I was on campus, trying to find my classroom just minutes before class was scheduled to begin. It was getting dark, and my panic increased as I realized that I did not recognize ANY of the buildings and could not, under any circumstance, find my way. Twenty minutes after my class was scheduled to begin, I ran panting into a classroom I thought I recognized only to discover it was peopled by folks who were not my students.
Just as I was about to a) lose my mind or b) lose my job, I awoke, covered with sweat, grateful to realize the dream nature of my experience.
I'd love to say I'm no longer worried. I mean, I've worked on campus for six years, and I know where the rooms are (because I went to make certain!), but there's still a bit of a doubt.
What, me worried? Not a bit...well, maybe just a bit.
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