Dying Dogs In China

It's the lime sherbet puppy!
Pets in general and dogs in particular are an intimate part of the fabric of social life around the world. Some people raise them as potential food sources, some people use them as hunters or guardians, and some people, like my sister-in-law and my friend Mark, seem to have them around just so they can get slobbered on by affectionate pooches. As for me, anything that a dog puts anywhere near its testicles or other private regions or chomps fleas with is not coming anywhere NEAR me face. Oh, I know all about how many germs are in the human mouth, etc., but that's not going to sway me. I love dogs, but they are not coming near me with that dripping lapper. Fortunately, I do not live in China.
The latest trend in Beijing involves dying a dog's fur to make it resemble something else: a tiger, a panda, or, in the case of the dog pictured above, something like sherbet. It has become all the rage to adorn the dogs with dye, and salons are making a killing on it. Some fear, that might be a literal interpretation. Mary Peng from the International Center for Veterinary Services in Beijing noted that "sometimes, dyes can be fatal," though salon owners claim to use only products that have been rigorously tested. And, while a dye job may seem extreme, dropping Fido off for a spa treatment featuring a rose-petal bath just goes beyond my imagination. The rationale for such treatment?
Owners say that a new "do" can help a dog's image and make it more confident.
Well, I guess if it works for humans...
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