Craze-E...But Not New


It's seldom that I get the impression that I'm on the cusp of new developments of any kind, but I have to admit that this time, I had the scoop a LONG time ago. Almost two years ago, I wrote in thsi blog about a minor league ballpark near St. Louis that tried to do something radical in the gastronomical area every year...and in that particular year, it featured a Krispy Kreme doughnut bacon cheeseburger that weighed in at well over 1500 calories. I even thought seriously about driving down to catch a game and a "burger," but I never made it. Now, of course, comes the "Craz-E Burger" purported to be big news after it was featured last weekend at the Big E agricultural fair held somewhere in Massachussetts. Selling 1,000 of these things every day of the expo made it noteworthy, I guess, but hardly new.
Supposedly, the concoction was developed by a chef in Decatur, Georgia in a remakable case of serendipity: he simply ran out of buns one day for his bacon cheeseburgers; all he had to substitute were doughnuts, and the "Luther Burger" (so named in local lore because Luther Vandross loved it) was created. The latest moniker is the result of a poll on Facebook (seriously...don't people have enough to do besides Mafia Wars?).
OK...maybe a chef in Georgia made the first one, but this heart attack in a bun has been around for two years...and the only reasons I bring it up now are that the article featured a picture, and there's BACON on it.
Shepard Smith of Fox News (an oxymoron, I think) compared this burger with a bottle of pills in tits effectiveness at stopping a beating heart. Smith also indicated that this might be yet another sign of the Apocalypse, as if the use of Marge Simpson to lure younger readers to Playboy weren't enough of one (I think that, not Smith).
Still, it might be worth a try...
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