Fashion Tips for Hat Wearers

Hat, sans 'Do Rag #1
As usual, I have come to a fashion crossroads which leaves me perplexed. Faithful readers will understand how confused I get at times, feeling like I am the last person in the world to find out about certain things: disco is dead? Who knew? Sarah Palin ran a marathon? News to me...well, you get the idea. That explains the awkward moments I had last week when it occurred to me that I was wearing my baseball hat ALL WRONG! In the past, I was willing to let Ken Griffey, Junior put it on backwards when he was "The Kid," and I didn't think much of it when C.C. Sabathia and Dontrelle Willis chose to wear theirs slightly askew, but this new fashion has gotten me flummoxed. Many of the college kids with whom I work wear baseball caps, as do I on occasion (mostly to hide the gray or the fact that I have not washed it recently). The trend is now to wear hats so large that they cover the tops of the ears! I'm not making this up, as you cans ee by photo #1 taken today. After observing more than a few guys sporting this style, I got the courage to ask, "Is this a new trend nationally among ALL cap wearers, is this an urban youth statement, or is this just for black kids?" Everybody I asked seemed taken aback a's just how they wear a hat. It would appear that maybe I was making too much of it. To fit over my ears, I would have to get a 10-gallon hat, and I doubt New Era makes those. So I checked more closely with Bryquis, the fashion guru on campus...he is young, urban and black AND he wears a hat so I figure he's got all the answers!
His comments at least made some sense: hats are purchased larger in case an individual wants to wear a 'do (hairdo) rag on his head (see photo #2) which also covers the tops of the ears. In such an instance, the hat will be just large enough to fit in the traditional sense. When a 'do rag is NOT worn, naturally, the hat falls down over the ears. This makes sense to me, and it creates an opportunity for research..
Now I'm going to have to watch every move Manny Ramirez (noted 'do rag wearer)makes to see if his hat covers the tops of his ears.
While this appears to be a trend on campus, I don't think it will catch on with the folks in my cohort: we have a hard enough time hearing as it is! No sense taking part of the ear out of circulation even if a certain amount of cachet results.
I'm always the last to know.
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