The Best of Times

It was the perfect grandparent's dream: sitting in the audience of a grade school musical performance, sitting through class after class of youngsters awaiting that perfect moment during which the "perfect" grandchild comes out and wows the crowd with an incredible performance. Interestingly enough, I think I've forgotten all of those moments which involved our own children, but this will not be left in obscurity. My wife, however, grew nostalgic as she envisioned all the past performances in anticipation of this latest one.
What made this interesting was the route we took to get there. Hopping aboard a standby flight in Green Bay at 4 p.m. we managed to arrive in Cleveland by 6 p.m. EDT. Rushing to the performance, I was astounded to find that the musical revue was to be presnted in a church! Not the church basement or the church hall, but the church itself: altar, statues, pews, etc. This place was an actual church. I felt a bit odd seeing a life-sized photo of Elvis adorning the altar area, and assorted other pictorial memories of the 50's and 60's (the theme of the musical performance) adorning the pews. Photos will be available in a couple of days. Wierd, definitely wierd!
However, when the 25 or so first-grader Beatles impersonators took the stage(aisle), all was forgotten. Beatles' wigs and all-black outfits were worthy of any movie, and I swear American Idol udge Simon Crowell gave them a thumbs up for their three numbers.
Following selections from all the classes, the ensemble sang "Hello,Goodbye" and people wept unabashedly. If only the moderator of the evening had not stopped to thank every single person in the world for his or her contribution, the evening would have been an unqualifie sucess.
Peewee soccer was the Saturday morning activity, and the Parma Dudes routed some hapless team 8-1 with the next David Beckham scoring four times.
Next up? Cleveland Indians vs New York Yankees at The Jake (aka Progressive Field). This could be the perfect weekend.
Meanwhile, it's snowing back in Wisconsin!
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