Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I'm Looking for Some Divine Intervention, Here

Pat Robertson claimed to have heard from God that a certain political leader in South America should be assassinated. Mayor Ray Nagin of New Orleans says he knows God is mad at New Orleans and black America...hence, Hurricane Katrina. Of course, Nagin also said that New Orleans would return to be the "Chocolate City" of old. It's uncertain whether this was ordained by God or not, but I think the people in Hershey, PA are riled about it! Oh...not THAT kind of chocolate? Never mind; I will, however, dig out my Parliament LPs and find that one titled "Chocolate City" to ascertain out what the term really means.
Anyway, now I know how Oprah could have been so duped by James Frey, the author who claimed to have beaten addiction without help or 12 steps or anything. His true story was made into a book that turned out to be, uh, a little south of "true." After Oprah hugged him Frey on TV and called Larry King to embrace this fabrication in addition to making it her book club selection (ensuring it would sell over a million copies),she finally opened the refrigerator door and the light went on. It WAS thin truth supported by made up facts. Major oops. Had Divine Powers not been so interested in leftist dictators in South America or smiting mightily the city of New Orleans (the city, not the song by Arlo Guthrie)or checking on Google searches for the government, Oprah would have been spared the public humiliation. It took a web site named The Smoking Gun ( ferret out the truth: the weasel was lying.
I knew it right away when Frey claimed to have had a root canal without benefit of novocaine. Puhleese! NOBODY could do that. I will freely admit to being a wuss: I get nitrous oxide when I make an appointment to go to the dentist. "You'll feel a little pinch" is dentist talk for "This will hurt like hell" as far as I'm concerned, so anybody who claims to have a root canal performed sans painkiller...liar.
So, God was busy elsewhere and couldn't help Oprah. He was busy helping James Frey carry his money to the bank anywhere but in New Orleans.


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