The Recyclist
Heineken Beer recently distributed photos of a new concept in, um, bottling its product. Of course, wines have come in boxes for quite some time...not exactly "Two-buck Chuck" but something of a novelty. I don't think we were ever supposed to drink wine straight out of the box, but then, I'm not a wine drinker so I could be mistaken.
Heineken has decided to think about a concept called "The Cube" for a couple of reasons, according to French industrial designer Petit Romain: "The minimalist form will be more economical to transport, take up less space and be a more ecological way to drink." I don't know. It WILL be easier to pack into trucks. It may well weigh less and conserve gasoline on its way to the store, and the package may well be more environmentally friendly with regard to production and recycling. However, I think the opening should be extended rather than recessed (doesn't the guy in the photo look like he's going to have trouble with the last gulp or two?) In addition, these look far too sturdy for frat guys to crush against their (or some pledge's) forehead.
As far as recyclable products go, though, I don't think ANYBODY has yet topped Izhar Gafni's production. The Israeli constructed a cardboard bicycle that appears to be just like any other bike! If you watch the "How I made the bike" video here, you'll be as stunned as I was. I immediately said, "I want one of those." Built with $9 worth of cardboard, the bike is sturdy enough to carry Gafni around (and he's not exactly a lightweight). After adding the actual bike parts NOT made of cardboard like the chain and brakes, the cost should be between $60 and $90, according to Gafni.
I want one.
Watch the video, and you'll want one, too. Maybe we could get a group rate!
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