Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Baldemar Huerta (a.k.a. Freddy Fender) could have been talking about college life when he had a hit with "Wasted Days and Wasted Nights" back in 1960. Call it a crossover hit if you want to, but I know that most of us had not heard Tejano music prior to that, though Richie Valens might have sprung from the same mold. However, this is not about music...it's about college life and how much time students waste.
My friends and I used to walk back and forth from the dorms past a small lake on our campus. At one point, we discovered an old wooden baseball bat so we would spend, literally, hours trying to hit rocks across the lake and onto the grass in front of the girls' dormitories...yes, co-ed dorms were still light years away. We didn't watch a lot of TV because there was a degree of studying to do, and as athletes, we were required to be up and on the road by 7, so...However, there were also times spent lazing around the student union between classes watching the ladies walk by and hoping just one of them would talk to us...didn't happen...ever...at least to me.
My friend Karl tells the story of his adventures winging albums (think of them as 12" compact discs) out his third-floor dorm window just to watch them fly and, subsequently, smash to smithereens on the pavement below or decapitate some unlucky student as if he or she was playing a part in "Goldfinger."
I stroll through the union on campus every now and then, and Guitar Hero and Rock Band seem to be rather engrossing now for those who don't spend all of their time with online poker or Facebook. Plus, there's the added bonus of co-ed dorms now (probably making all other forms of entertainment less attractive). Beer pong has become the party game of choice, replacing "Bob" which was focused on the Bob Newhart TV show: every time someone on the show said, "Bob," alcohol was imbibed...so I was told. So, I don't really know what "games" get played anymore because I'm too busy with Sudoku (trying to keep MY brain from disintegrating).
HOWEVER, the enterprising students at Olivet Nazarene College (where, presumably there are no drinking games OR co-ed dorms) have taken the idea of wasting time to a level we could have only imagined. You absolutely MUST watch this video and marvel:
Not a single one of those boys has a girlfriend. Not a one.
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