Scaling the Heights of Absurdity

Samak Sundaravej, once and potentially future leader of Thailand
There are something less than 60 days before the presidential election is voted upon in this country, and I think it has all gotten a bit ridiculous already. With one candidate favoring banning books and depending on God to ease global warming and NOT taking ANY questions from reporters, and another moving around on tap shoes so as not to provide a hint of sexism, it's getting a bit silly. Do we really believe things are going to CHANGE (their word, not mine) all that much? It remains to be seen, of course, but it could be worse: we could be living in Thailand right about now.
There has been a general upheaval for the last few weeks as the leader has been accused of corruption and incompetence, and protesters have barricaded the government buildings, refusing to stop until Samak Sundaravej is ousted. He, on the other hand, has been saying that there is no way he'd resign...that little fact was taken care of for him today as a court stripped him of his office for...get this: appearing four times on a cooking show called "Tasting and Complaining," a show he HOSTED until he became prime minister. The court claims that the $2,350 he received for his participation violated the constitution and would render him ousted.
So far, so good. But NOW it gets interesting.
New elections are scheduled for later this week, and the People's Power Party (his) plans to nominate him for his old job! In fact, he could be out of a job for only a few days. There's MORE! until the election, the man in power is the deposed leader's brother-in-law, heretofore the Minister of Education. Now THAT'S how politics occurs in that part of the world. I'd like to see the spin doctors who work for our political parties get ahold of that stuff!
Corruption and incompetence could cost a leader his job? Wow, imagine what would happen if that idea ever caught on here in America!
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