Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Told You So, Told You So, Nyah! Nyah!

Perhaps it sounds a bit childish on my part, but I would like to state once again that I was absolutely right and all those who either worked diligently to get me fired or stood by saying nothing (glad they did not have to take a stand, I suspect) were idiots. Of course, it was ten years ago or so, but believe me, I still carry a bit of a grudge, and I'm pleased to report that I was right...and science proves it yet again.
"Crying Over Spilled Coke" was the headline in the local paper when I protested the takeover of our school by the Coca Cola company under the guise of providing badly needed funds for education. Was I the only one who saw through that ruse and complained that the health of our children lie in the balance? Maybe not (thanks, Judy), but I was the one pilloried for that stance against phosphoric acid and high-fructose corn syrup as potential destroyers of youthful bodies. Yeah, I know all the naysayers and decision-makers (including the Coke company) wised up after six years, but that did not heal the scars nor the damage done as brand loyalty had been fully established, and the authorities still love to bring up the incident as if it has become funny in the rearview mirror. Don't bet on it.
A study by Texas researchers has shown exactly what I became apoplectic aboput all those years ago: the liver does not recognize fructose as the same as glucose and allows it to be stored more quickly as fat. Elizabeth Parks, associate professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwest Medical Center (put THAT on a business card!) in Dallas, tested healthy individuals to see whether ingesting fructose or glucose or a combination for breakfast increased the odds of lipogenesis (turning sugar into fat). Without fail, the more fructose involved, the more quickly the sugar was turned into fat. SO THERE!
Of course, Parks was quick to point out that fructose (especially in the form of high fructose corn syrup) was not the only culprit. We still eat too much sugar and ingest too much protein (probably in the form of red meats, though she did not specify). The fact remains that high fructose corn syrup is REALLY, REALLY bad for us and should not be ingested in high levels, especially by children.
I feel vindicated, but I'm still not "over it."
Go eat healthy.


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